Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Auto Insurance Can Save You Money

Many people complain about having to pay auto insurance, and in some instances, rightfully so. If it weren't for them having to pay this particular bill every month, they would save $200 and sometimes $300 on their monthly expenses. Although this fee can seem a little bit costly to some, the benefits that it brings clearly outweigh the costs.

First of all, having auto insurance protects people financially if they end up causing an accident. Just imagine if you were talking on your cell phone one day, while backing out of a parking spot at the local grocery store. A car creeps behind you, but you can't see it because you are too involved in your conversation. Suddenly, you back up into the car. Because you were in the wrong, you are responsible for any damages that show up on the person's vehicle.

Damages such as a small dent can seem inexpensive; however, to fix this type of damage, it could cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Unless you are extremely wealthy, there's a good chance that you don't have $1,000 lying around that you are willing or able to give up to fix another person's car. This is why auto insurance is so important, because the company will foot the bill for the damages. Although your monthly bill may go up, it will be nothing compared to what you would've paid if you had to actually pay for the damages yourself all at once. Not only can auto insurance help you when you cause an accident, but it can also assist you when your car gets damaged due to bad weather.

There's almost nothing more unpredictable than the weather. The sun could be shining brightly one moment and a storm could come through the next. It could be hot and dry one day and a hailstorm could blow through the next. Some of the storms produced have a great chance of severely damaging your vehicle.

The bad news is that when this does occur, there is really no one you can blame. Therefore, there is no one else who would be responsible for footing the bill. If you don't have automobile coverage, in this case, you would be the one to take full monetary responsibility. Your only other choice would be to just live with the damages.

So, before you think about cancelling your current auto insurance package to save money, think again. You could be making an extremely costly mistake. It may seem like a good idea in the short run, but you will most likely regret it one day.

The Function of Multi Car Insurance Comparison These Days   Whiplash Injuries And The Dangers You May Be Facing Due To Them   SR22 Insurance, What It Is and When You Need It   Ways of Ensuring a Hassle Free Experience With the Breakdown Cover   How to Choose Between the Different Roadside Assistance Plans   

Completing a Spanish Car Insurance Claim Form

If you have a car accident in Spain you will need to complete an accident statement. You may find your insurer has given you a declaracion amistosa de accidente which is the same thing but in Spanish. This article is designed to help you complete the Spanish version of the accident statement.

I have numbered the article to correspond to the numbers that appear on the accident report form.

1. Fecha de accidente. Insert the date of the accident here. Under the heading hora put the time the accident occurred.

2. Localizacion. Please show the country (Pais) and the place (Lugar) where the accident has happened. If on a motorway be as accurate as possible using the kilometre markings on between x and y places.

3. Here you should say if any one was injured, even if slightly by putting yes or no (si/no) as appropriate.

4. Section four relates to other material damage. The first two boxes should be marked yes or no (si/no) if other vehicles have been damaged as a result of the accident other than the two that will be completed on the form. The second two yes and no boxes relate to other objects (objectos distintos de vehiculo) such as lamp posts, street signs etc...

5. Please enter the names, addresses and telephone numbers of any witnesses in the box headed Testigos. This can be very useful if there is a dispute later.

The next section of the form is divided into three columns, vehicle (Vehiculo) A, circunstancias and then vehiculo B. The first and third columns are the same. One party involved in the accident completing the form as vehicle A and the other as vehicle B. It does not matter which side of the form you use as long as all your details are on one side and the other parties on the other. We will come on to the circunstancias section later.

6. Here you need to complete the details of the insurance policyholder. This can be found on the insurance documentation. Fill in the name, surname (appellido) and address (direccion) post code (codigo postal) and telephone or email address.

7. Describe your vehicle in this section., Make and model (marca y modelo), registration number (matricula) and country of registration (Pais de matriculacion). The box headed remolque relates to the details of any trailer you are towing. Complete if necessary.

8. Now complete the insurance company details (Aseguradora). On the first line put the insurance company name and the second line is where the policy number needs to be filled in. If you know the address of the agency you purchased the policy through complete this below where it is headed Agencia oficina o corredor along with their contact telephone number.

9. Here is where you put the details of the driver. It may be the driver is the same as the insured in which case you can repeat the details from section 6 and add your driving licence number (permiso de conducir no.) and the expiry date of the driving licence where it says (permiso valido hasta). If they are not the same then refer back to number 6 which explains the headings.

10. On the small drawings mark the point of initial impact to your vehicle using an arrow (con una flecha).

11. Note the visible damage to your vehicle in this box. If you do not know Spanish then write it in English.

12. Circumstances (circunstancias) is where you can mark a cross in the relevant boxes to help explain the drawing you need to make in section 13. I am not going to write all the Spanish and English translations here suffice to say from number 1 to 17 the English version is as follows: 1 parked/stopped*, 2 leaving a parking place/opening the door*, 3 entering a parking place, 4 emerging from a car park, from private ground, from a track, 5 entering a car park, private ground, a track, 6 entering a roundabout, 7 circulating a roundabout, 8 striking the rear of the other vehicle while going in the same direction and in the same lane, 9 going in the same direction but in a different lane, 10 changing lanes, 11 overtaking, 12 turning to the right, 13 turning to the left, 14 reversing, 15 encroaching on a lane reserved for circulation in the opposite direction, 16 coming from the right (at road junctions), 17 had not observed a right of way sign or a red light. The very last and unnumbered box is where you put the total of the number of crosses you have marked above.

*you have to delete one or more of the options in these numbered boxes.

13. Now you can draw/sketch the accident when the impact occurred. Draw the roads and direction of the vehicles. Indicate the direction of travel using arrows.

14. Put any comments you feel necessary here. This document may be referred to by insurance lawyers and/or a court so only put something appropriate. You can write in English if you do not know Spanish.

At the bottom of the form are a large A and a large B. Here both drivers sign.

The form is sensitised so complete it on a firm surface and press hard with a ballpoint pen. Each party should take one copy. If you think of something after the form has been separated then do not under any circumstances alter your copy of the accident report form. Make a separate note to give to your insurance company with the accident report form. Your form must be identical to the other party's form.

Important points to remember. Ensure you have recorded the registration of the other vehicle correctly and its make and colour. Without the correct registration the insurance company will have a difficult task ensuring a successful claim. If someone is injured ensure the emergency services are called immediately. If you have a camera or mobile phone with a camera take some photos (only if it is safe to do so) to help illustrate the damage, rights of way etc. You are normally under a legal obligation to contact your insurer within 7 days of an accident and we recommend you contact them or your agent as soon as possible. If the vehicle cannot be moved as a result of the accident then contact the insurer immediately to have it taken to a garage.

If you or a passenger of yours is taken to hospital then ask for a medical report which you need to give to your insurance company.

The Function of Multi Car Insurance Comparison These Days   Whiplash Injuries And The Dangers You May Be Facing Due To Them   SR22 Insurance, What It Is and When You Need It   Ways of Ensuring a Hassle Free Experience With the Breakdown Cover   

Get Auto Insurance Without Going Broke

Most of us have understood that it is not just a government policy to make sure all motorist have some form of insurance cover. However, buying car insurance does not have to cause you heartache and you definitely do not need to invest all your savings. You can get very affordable insurance if you take the time to research the options available. Many people buy expensive policies simply because they do not know what is available. The Internet has made it possible to get all the information you need and you can get free auto insurance quotes that will help you to find amazing discounts.

Shop Around and Ask Questions

You should never settle for the first insurance quote you come across. Chances are this will not be the cheapest quote you can get. Shop around before you make the final decision and you will not regret it. Several insurance comparison websites can help you to get the information you need with ease.

Look at what several companies have to offer and call and ask as many questions as you want. Asking questions will help you to discover available discounts and ways to reduce your policy. When looking for cheap auto insurance quotes, you should never be shy about asking questions. You need to find a way to get a higher deductible. The higher the deductible, the lower your premiums will be.

You should also find out how you can get discounts. Most people do not realize that you can get a discount on their auto insurance and so they do not inquire about it. If you have a clean driving record, have taken a defensive class or you do not drive very far, you can get a discount. Where you live, a good driving history and having security and safety devices are other factors that insurance companies consider when offering discounts.

The Right Insurance Company

If you already have a relationship with an insurance company, you can get good rates by giving them extra business. By buying auto insurance from the same company where you hold a life insurance policy, you can get cheap insurance. When shopping for insurance of any kind, it is very important to make sure that you deal with a reputable company with a good financial rating. Look at the financial health of a company, as this will help to ensure that you are paid when the time comes. There are online sites that rate insurance companies and this can provide useful information.

The Function of Multi Car Insurance Comparison These Days   Whiplash Injuries And The Dangers You May Be Facing Due To Them   SR22 Insurance, What It Is and When You Need It   Ways of Ensuring a Hassle Free Experience With the Breakdown Cover   How to Choose Between the Different Roadside Assistance Plans   Can You Locate the Best Auto Insurance Coverage?   

Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible

You are 100% responsible for everything in your life and everything you see out in your world. That might sound ominous, but it's true. Brainwave entrainment is a scientifically proven technological tool that can help you reach the right brainwave frequency that can make that responsibility, just a little bit easier to control.

Everything is energy.

Science has proven that once you break everything down to its very core, you'll find pure energy. This pure energy vibrates a field around itself. This vibrating energy is a frequency.

Everything therefore, is vibrating frequency of energy.

Everything has its own personal frequency. Your body has a frequency, as does everything you see, hear, touch, smell or taste. Your words and emotions have a frequency and magnetic signature. Disease has a frequency. Food has a frequency. Sounds you cannot hear and things you cannot see, all have a frequency.

And most importantly, for this article, thoughts have a frequency.

The level of frequency is determined by vibration rate and wave length. This vibrating field attracts and attaches to energy vibrating at the same frequency as it is vibrating.

You attract enough of this energy, and matter forms into the physical.

How You Are 100% Responsible For The World You See Outside Of Yourself.

· Thought is a frequency. When you think a thought, it becomes an entity in its own right and has a signature frequency. Now that thought thinks and vibrates, attracting like frequency. If you continue to think that original thought, you send out more thoughts with a signature frequency. Because these thoughts are all vibrating at the same frequency, they combine and form a thought form.

· A thought form, if thought about by many people, in a clear fashion where there is no resistance to this thought form, becomes physical matter.

· This thought form then manifests into your world and has its own frequency.

· As all energy vibrates and has its own frequency, it attracts like frequency.

That is how you and I and everyone else, thought the world into the physical.

If you are responsible for producing the world as you see it, you are then 100% responsible for how your life is working or not working out.

Every thought you think, if felt with emotion, and repetition, will manifest into the physical.

Unfortunately, because of hidden beliefs formed from during your childhood and blue-printed into your subconscious, things you do not want, tend to manifest. The Law of Attraction is always working. In most cases, you are manifesting by default.

The biggest hurdles to manifesting your perfect life, are these fear-based limited beliefs that you formed when you were a small child.

Consciously being aware of your malware, is not enough to stop their influence on how you react to the events in your life.

The only way to override and replace these limited beliefs is to access the subconscious at its own personal frequency. The trick is to get past the gatekeeper, which is the conscious/subconscious mind barrier that will only consider information that is genuine (heartfelt) and repeated.

Brainwave entrainment can align your brainwave frequency to match that of the subconscious, quickly and easily, by-passing the gatekeeper. Once you are in this state of mind, you can easily reprogram your own personal blueprint by changing your thoughts, visualizing what you want to incorporate into your personality. Actual physical neural networks will appear in your grey matter, and with repetition, will become strong and viable. Old programming which was etched into your grey matter, will atrophy from lack of activation.

Brainwave entrainment helps you chose how you wish your life to be and be 100% responsible, and in this regard, helps you change what you see outside of yourself, too. Remember, one thought attracts another of like frequency, so it is very possible to change your life and change the world.

It only takes one thought.

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck   Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible   

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck

Why would they want to hire me versus that other woman, there are way more qualified people out there than me? I don't know If I should work on my website first or figure out what I'm really offering to people - wait on my business card logo guy is still waiting to hear back from me, gosh why haven't I called that lady back yet who invited me to speak at her event...

Do you ever wonder when that damn inner critic of yours is just going to lay down and die already?

I just got off the phone with a good friend of mine with whom I co-led a women's empowerment meeting last night. We discussed what happened at the meeting, what went wrong, our intentions for next time and how we would organize and our structure our content to better facilitate heartfelt sharing in an open space of sisterhood and community.

During the event I could feel things kind of slipping away - the conversation running astray, the theme wasn't tight enough I thought to myself, we didn't give the women enough direction, this could have been done better bla bla bla.

Out of all the women I coach feeling stuck and paralyzed is all too common. It's seems as if there is this elusive "moment" when everything will feel just right and then you'll really KNOW that you're ready - that it's finally time.

If taking that flying leap and just beginning is constantly stalled by waiting for the kids to go back to school, for when there will be enough time, enough money, enough knowledge, I just got to take one more course then I'll know enough, then I'll maybe feel more ready... then you'll love these quick tips to get you into action.

I too have suffered from perfectionism, feeling paralyzed, always wondering what others will think of me, and I gotta tell you - that elusive moment that you're waiting for - it simply doesn't exist. That little voice of self doubt will always be there and what I've discovered is that the successful people I have studied have just learnt how to successfully DEAL with it better. Here's what I've got to share with you about what I've found to work well.

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism So You Can Get Into Action Fast!

1) Make it about other's don't make it about yourself. When you get into thinking about how you compare, or don't measure up versus what other people know it's always a losing game. Instead, get into the game of service and turn the tables on your perspective. Think about how many people will lose out by you not sharing what's in your heart.

When you doubt yourself and your abilities and that stubborn little critic chirps up remember to every 3rd grader - a 4th grader seems like a GOD. Think about it. Do you remember what it was like in school looking up to the senior high kids when you were in junior high?

Think about your business in the same way. You don't need to be a Tony Robbins to make a difference in the world and impact people. There are TONS of 3rd graders that would LOVE a 4th graders perspective. Focus your attention on serving those people and STOP thinking and comparing yourself to others. Focus on the people you CAN help and you will.

2) Sloppy starts are better than no results Whenever I find myself procrastinating or judging others it's a tell tail sign that I need to just get off the bleachers and jump into the game. I guarantee you'll learn a heck of a lot more by jumping in the game and tending to a few scraped knees on the courts versus watching from the comfort of the bleachers. Your game may not be perfect, it may not be great, you may drop the ball a few times, but if you never give yourself permission to try and fail, you'll never have a shot at enjoying success either.

Everyone has to start somewhere. Sometimes I listen into some of the interviews I did years ago and I wince when I hear myself... mastery has to begin somewhere. Like the saying goes - there is no reward without risk and in my books the only way TO anything is straight THROUGH it. That also includes all of the emotions you're trying so hard to avoid feeling by playing it "safe and small".

3) Leggo my EGGO Remember that commercial on TV? The one with the EGGO muffin that ghastly thing you buy in the grocery store and stick in the toaster for breakfast? OK we'll that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the other EGO - that inner critic, that little voice that never seems to give you a break.

Let's do a little test... Can you just make a decision right now to accept your life exactly as it is... and can you let go of the whole idea to want to change it - in any way? Just for right now? And can you just decide - to MAKE a decision to LOVE your life - right now exactly as it is - without wanting to change any of it? Could you make that decision? Well, could you?

ACCEPTANCE = a very high vibration, LOVE = even higher. Instead of pushing and struggling with what's in your reality right now - consider coming into acceptance and in love your life exactly as it is right now and more importantly yourself.

Love is the way to let it be easy ♥

You'll never get anywhere if you're constantly beating yourself up. If you can master your emotions you can master your life. You are in control of your reality because you are in control of your decisions and your thinking.

We create so much resistance for ourselves simply out of habit; consider that success is simply another way of thinking, a new habit to try on something you can practice.

For some reading this moving from fear, out of habit and perfectionism and into imperfect action might be a far stretch - hopefully the next time your inner critic pipes up - you'll catch it and send it some love and remember these 3 powerful mindset shifts to help you through.

To Your Love, Expansion & Freedom Vanessa

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck   Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible   

Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible

You are 100% responsible for everything in your life and everything you see out in your world. That might sound ominous, but it's true. Brainwave entrainment is a scientifically proven technological tool that can help you reach the right brainwave frequency that can make that responsibility, just a little bit easier to control.

Everything is energy.

Science has proven that once you break everything down to its very core, you'll find pure energy. This pure energy vibrates a field around itself. This vibrating energy is a frequency.

Everything therefore, is vibrating frequency of energy.

Everything has its own personal frequency. Your body has a frequency, as does everything you see, hear, touch, smell or taste. Your words and emotions have a frequency and magnetic signature. Disease has a frequency. Food has a frequency. Sounds you cannot hear and things you cannot see, all have a frequency.

And most importantly, for this article, thoughts have a frequency.

The level of frequency is determined by vibration rate and wave length. This vibrating field attracts and attaches to energy vibrating at the same frequency as it is vibrating.

You attract enough of this energy, and matter forms into the physical.

How You Are 100% Responsible For The World You See Outside Of Yourself.

· Thought is a frequency. When you think a thought, it becomes an entity in its own right and has a signature frequency. Now that thought thinks and vibrates, attracting like frequency. If you continue to think that original thought, you send out more thoughts with a signature frequency. Because these thoughts are all vibrating at the same frequency, they combine and form a thought form.

· A thought form, if thought about by many people, in a clear fashion where there is no resistance to this thought form, becomes physical matter.

· This thought form then manifests into your world and has its own frequency.

· As all energy vibrates and has its own frequency, it attracts like frequency.

That is how you and I and everyone else, thought the world into the physical.

If you are responsible for producing the world as you see it, you are then 100% responsible for how your life is working or not working out.

Every thought you think, if felt with emotion, and repetition, will manifest into the physical.

Unfortunately, because of hidden beliefs formed from during your childhood and blue-printed into your subconscious, things you do not want, tend to manifest. The Law of Attraction is always working. In most cases, you are manifesting by default.

The biggest hurdles to manifesting your perfect life, are these fear-based limited beliefs that you formed when you were a small child.

Consciously being aware of your malware, is not enough to stop their influence on how you react to the events in your life.

The only way to override and replace these limited beliefs is to access the subconscious at its own personal frequency. The trick is to get past the gatekeeper, which is the conscious/subconscious mind barrier that will only consider information that is genuine (heartfelt) and repeated.

Brainwave entrainment can align your brainwave frequency to match that of the subconscious, quickly and easily, by-passing the gatekeeper. Once you are in this state of mind, you can easily reprogram your own personal blueprint by changing your thoughts, visualizing what you want to incorporate into your personality. Actual physical neural networks will appear in your grey matter, and with repetition, will become strong and viable. Old programming which was etched into your grey matter, will atrophy from lack of activation.

Brainwave entrainment helps you chose how you wish your life to be and be 100% responsible, and in this regard, helps you change what you see outside of yourself, too. Remember, one thought attracts another of like frequency, so it is very possible to change your life and change the world.

It only takes one thought.

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck   Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible   

Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible

You are 100% responsible for everything in your life and everything you see out in your world. That might sound ominous, but it's true. Brainwave entrainment is a scientifically proven technological tool that can help you reach the right brainwave frequency that can make that responsibility, just a little bit easier to control.

Everything is energy.

Science has proven that once you break everything down to its very core, you'll find pure energy. This pure energy vibrates a field around itself. This vibrating energy is a frequency.

Everything therefore, is vibrating frequency of energy.

Everything has its own personal frequency. Your body has a frequency, as does everything you see, hear, touch, smell or taste. Your words and emotions have a frequency and magnetic signature. Disease has a frequency. Food has a frequency. Sounds you cannot hear and things you cannot see, all have a frequency.

And most importantly, for this article, thoughts have a frequency.

The level of frequency is determined by vibration rate and wave length. This vibrating field attracts and attaches to energy vibrating at the same frequency as it is vibrating.

You attract enough of this energy, and matter forms into the physical.

How You Are 100% Responsible For The World You See Outside Of Yourself.

· Thought is a frequency. When you think a thought, it becomes an entity in its own right and has a signature frequency. Now that thought thinks and vibrates, attracting like frequency. If you continue to think that original thought, you send out more thoughts with a signature frequency. Because these thoughts are all vibrating at the same frequency, they combine and form a thought form.

· A thought form, if thought about by many people, in a clear fashion where there is no resistance to this thought form, becomes physical matter.

· This thought form then manifests into your world and has its own frequency.

· As all energy vibrates and has its own frequency, it attracts like frequency.

That is how you and I and everyone else, thought the world into the physical.

If you are responsible for producing the world as you see it, you are then 100% responsible for how your life is working or not working out.

Every thought you think, if felt with emotion, and repetition, will manifest into the physical.

Unfortunately, because of hidden beliefs formed from during your childhood and blue-printed into your subconscious, things you do not want, tend to manifest. The Law of Attraction is always working. In most cases, you are manifesting by default.

The biggest hurdles to manifesting your perfect life, are these fear-based limited beliefs that you formed when you were a small child.

Consciously being aware of your malware, is not enough to stop their influence on how you react to the events in your life.

The only way to override and replace these limited beliefs is to access the subconscious at its own personal frequency. The trick is to get past the gatekeeper, which is the conscious/subconscious mind barrier that will only consider information that is genuine (heartfelt) and repeated.

Brainwave entrainment can align your brainwave frequency to match that of the subconscious, quickly and easily, by-passing the gatekeeper. Once you are in this state of mind, you can easily reprogram your own personal blueprint by changing your thoughts, visualizing what you want to incorporate into your personality. Actual physical neural networks will appear in your grey matter, and with repetition, will become strong and viable. Old programming which was etched into your grey matter, will atrophy from lack of activation.

Brainwave entrainment helps you chose how you wish your life to be and be 100% responsible, and in this regard, helps you change what you see outside of yourself, too. Remember, one thought attracts another of like frequency, so it is very possible to change your life and change the world.

It only takes one thought.

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck   Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible   

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck

Why would they want to hire me versus that other woman, there are way more qualified people out there than me? I don't know If I should work on my website first or figure out what I'm really offering to people - wait on my business card logo guy is still waiting to hear back from me, gosh why haven't I called that lady back yet who invited me to speak at her event...

Do you ever wonder when that damn inner critic of yours is just going to lay down and die already?

I just got off the phone with a good friend of mine with whom I co-led a women's empowerment meeting last night. We discussed what happened at the meeting, what went wrong, our intentions for next time and how we would organize and our structure our content to better facilitate heartfelt sharing in an open space of sisterhood and community.

During the event I could feel things kind of slipping away - the conversation running astray, the theme wasn't tight enough I thought to myself, we didn't give the women enough direction, this could have been done better bla bla bla.

Out of all the women I coach feeling stuck and paralyzed is all too common. It's seems as if there is this elusive "moment" when everything will feel just right and then you'll really KNOW that you're ready - that it's finally time.

If taking that flying leap and just beginning is constantly stalled by waiting for the kids to go back to school, for when there will be enough time, enough money, enough knowledge, I just got to take one more course then I'll know enough, then I'll maybe feel more ready... then you'll love these quick tips to get you into action.

I too have suffered from perfectionism, feeling paralyzed, always wondering what others will think of me, and I gotta tell you - that elusive moment that you're waiting for - it simply doesn't exist. That little voice of self doubt will always be there and what I've discovered is that the successful people I have studied have just learnt how to successfully DEAL with it better. Here's what I've got to share with you about what I've found to work well.

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism So You Can Get Into Action Fast!

1) Make it about other's don't make it about yourself. When you get into thinking about how you compare, or don't measure up versus what other people know it's always a losing game. Instead, get into the game of service and turn the tables on your perspective. Think about how many people will lose out by you not sharing what's in your heart.

When you doubt yourself and your abilities and that stubborn little critic chirps up remember to every 3rd grader - a 4th grader seems like a GOD. Think about it. Do you remember what it was like in school looking up to the senior high kids when you were in junior high?

Think about your business in the same way. You don't need to be a Tony Robbins to make a difference in the world and impact people. There are TONS of 3rd graders that would LOVE a 4th graders perspective. Focus your attention on serving those people and STOP thinking and comparing yourself to others. Focus on the people you CAN help and you will.

2) Sloppy starts are better than no results Whenever I find myself procrastinating or judging others it's a tell tail sign that I need to just get off the bleachers and jump into the game. I guarantee you'll learn a heck of a lot more by jumping in the game and tending to a few scraped knees on the courts versus watching from the comfort of the bleachers. Your game may not be perfect, it may not be great, you may drop the ball a few times, but if you never give yourself permission to try and fail, you'll never have a shot at enjoying success either.

Everyone has to start somewhere. Sometimes I listen into some of the interviews I did years ago and I wince when I hear myself... mastery has to begin somewhere. Like the saying goes - there is no reward without risk and in my books the only way TO anything is straight THROUGH it. That also includes all of the emotions you're trying so hard to avoid feeling by playing it "safe and small".

3) Leggo my EGGO Remember that commercial on TV? The one with the EGGO muffin that ghastly thing you buy in the grocery store and stick in the toaster for breakfast? OK we'll that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the other EGO - that inner critic, that little voice that never seems to give you a break.

Let's do a little test... Can you just make a decision right now to accept your life exactly as it is... and can you let go of the whole idea to want to change it - in any way? Just for right now? And can you just decide - to MAKE a decision to LOVE your life - right now exactly as it is - without wanting to change any of it? Could you make that decision? Well, could you?

ACCEPTANCE = a very high vibration, LOVE = even higher. Instead of pushing and struggling with what's in your reality right now - consider coming into acceptance and in love your life exactly as it is right now and more importantly yourself.

Love is the way to let it be easy ♥

You'll never get anywhere if you're constantly beating yourself up. If you can master your emotions you can master your life. You are in control of your reality because you are in control of your decisions and your thinking.

We create so much resistance for ourselves simply out of habit; consider that success is simply another way of thinking, a new habit to try on something you can practice.

For some reading this moving from fear, out of habit and perfectionism and into imperfect action might be a far stretch - hopefully the next time your inner critic pipes up - you'll catch it and send it some love and remember these 3 powerful mindset shifts to help you through.

To Your Love, Expansion & Freedom Vanessa

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck   Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible   

Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible

You are 100% responsible for everything in your life and everything you see out in your world. That might sound ominous, but it's true. Brainwave entrainment is a scientifically proven technological tool that can help you reach the right brainwave frequency that can make that responsibility, just a little bit easier to control.

Everything is energy.

Science has proven that once you break everything down to its very core, you'll find pure energy. This pure energy vibrates a field around itself. This vibrating energy is a frequency.

Everything therefore, is vibrating frequency of energy.

Everything has its own personal frequency. Your body has a frequency, as does everything you see, hear, touch, smell or taste. Your words and emotions have a frequency and magnetic signature. Disease has a frequency. Food has a frequency. Sounds you cannot hear and things you cannot see, all have a frequency.

And most importantly, for this article, thoughts have a frequency.

The level of frequency is determined by vibration rate and wave length. This vibrating field attracts and attaches to energy vibrating at the same frequency as it is vibrating.

You attract enough of this energy, and matter forms into the physical.

How You Are 100% Responsible For The World You See Outside Of Yourself.

· Thought is a frequency. When you think a thought, it becomes an entity in its own right and has a signature frequency. Now that thought thinks and vibrates, attracting like frequency. If you continue to think that original thought, you send out more thoughts with a signature frequency. Because these thoughts are all vibrating at the same frequency, they combine and form a thought form.

· A thought form, if thought about by many people, in a clear fashion where there is no resistance to this thought form, becomes physical matter.

· This thought form then manifests into your world and has its own frequency.

· As all energy vibrates and has its own frequency, it attracts like frequency.

That is how you and I and everyone else, thought the world into the physical.

If you are responsible for producing the world as you see it, you are then 100% responsible for how your life is working or not working out.

Every thought you think, if felt with emotion, and repetition, will manifest into the physical.

Unfortunately, because of hidden beliefs formed from during your childhood and blue-printed into your subconscious, things you do not want, tend to manifest. The Law of Attraction is always working. In most cases, you are manifesting by default.

The biggest hurdles to manifesting your perfect life, are these fear-based limited beliefs that you formed when you were a small child.

Consciously being aware of your malware, is not enough to stop their influence on how you react to the events in your life.

The only way to override and replace these limited beliefs is to access the subconscious at its own personal frequency. The trick is to get past the gatekeeper, which is the conscious/subconscious mind barrier that will only consider information that is genuine (heartfelt) and repeated.

Brainwave entrainment can align your brainwave frequency to match that of the subconscious, quickly and easily, by-passing the gatekeeper. Once you are in this state of mind, you can easily reprogram your own personal blueprint by changing your thoughts, visualizing what you want to incorporate into your personality. Actual physical neural networks will appear in your grey matter, and with repetition, will become strong and viable. Old programming which was etched into your grey matter, will atrophy from lack of activation.

Brainwave entrainment helps you chose how you wish your life to be and be 100% responsible, and in this regard, helps you change what you see outside of yourself, too. Remember, one thought attracts another of like frequency, so it is very possible to change your life and change the world.

It only takes one thought.

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck   Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible   

Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible

You are 100% responsible for everything in your life and everything you see out in your world. That might sound ominous, but it's true. Brainwave entrainment is a scientifically proven technological tool that can help you reach the right brainwave frequency that can make that responsibility, just a little bit easier to control.

Everything is energy.

Science has proven that once you break everything down to its very core, you'll find pure energy. This pure energy vibrates a field around itself. This vibrating energy is a frequency.

Everything therefore, is vibrating frequency of energy.

Everything has its own personal frequency. Your body has a frequency, as does everything you see, hear, touch, smell or taste. Your words and emotions have a frequency and magnetic signature. Disease has a frequency. Food has a frequency. Sounds you cannot hear and things you cannot see, all have a frequency.

And most importantly, for this article, thoughts have a frequency.

The level of frequency is determined by vibration rate and wave length. This vibrating field attracts and attaches to energy vibrating at the same frequency as it is vibrating.

You attract enough of this energy, and matter forms into the physical.

How You Are 100% Responsible For The World You See Outside Of Yourself.

· Thought is a frequency. When you think a thought, it becomes an entity in its own right and has a signature frequency. Now that thought thinks and vibrates, attracting like frequency. If you continue to think that original thought, you send out more thoughts with a signature frequency. Because these thoughts are all vibrating at the same frequency, they combine and form a thought form.

· A thought form, if thought about by many people, in a clear fashion where there is no resistance to this thought form, becomes physical matter.

· This thought form then manifests into your world and has its own frequency.

· As all energy vibrates and has its own frequency, it attracts like frequency.

That is how you and I and everyone else, thought the world into the physical.

If you are responsible for producing the world as you see it, you are then 100% responsible for how your life is working or not working out.

Every thought you think, if felt with emotion, and repetition, will manifest into the physical.

Unfortunately, because of hidden beliefs formed from during your childhood and blue-printed into your subconscious, things you do not want, tend to manifest. The Law of Attraction is always working. In most cases, you are manifesting by default.

The biggest hurdles to manifesting your perfect life, are these fear-based limited beliefs that you formed when you were a small child.

Consciously being aware of your malware, is not enough to stop their influence on how you react to the events in your life.

The only way to override and replace these limited beliefs is to access the subconscious at its own personal frequency. The trick is to get past the gatekeeper, which is the conscious/subconscious mind barrier that will only consider information that is genuine (heartfelt) and repeated.

Brainwave entrainment can align your brainwave frequency to match that of the subconscious, quickly and easily, by-passing the gatekeeper. Once you are in this state of mind, you can easily reprogram your own personal blueprint by changing your thoughts, visualizing what you want to incorporate into your personality. Actual physical neural networks will appear in your grey matter, and with repetition, will become strong and viable. Old programming which was etched into your grey matter, will atrophy from lack of activation.

Brainwave entrainment helps you chose how you wish your life to be and be 100% responsible, and in this regard, helps you change what you see outside of yourself, too. Remember, one thought attracts another of like frequency, so it is very possible to change your life and change the world.

It only takes one thought.

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck   Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible   

Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible

You are 100% responsible for everything in your life and everything you see out in your world. That might sound ominous, but it's true. Brainwave entrainment is a scientifically proven technological tool that can help you reach the right brainwave frequency that can make that responsibility, just a little bit easier to control.

Everything is energy.

Science has proven that once you break everything down to its very core, you'll find pure energy. This pure energy vibrates a field around itself. This vibrating energy is a frequency.

Everything therefore, is vibrating frequency of energy.

Everything has its own personal frequency. Your body has a frequency, as does everything you see, hear, touch, smell or taste. Your words and emotions have a frequency and magnetic signature. Disease has a frequency. Food has a frequency. Sounds you cannot hear and things you cannot see, all have a frequency.

And most importantly, for this article, thoughts have a frequency.

The level of frequency is determined by vibration rate and wave length. This vibrating field attracts and attaches to energy vibrating at the same frequency as it is vibrating.

You attract enough of this energy, and matter forms into the physical.

How You Are 100% Responsible For The World You See Outside Of Yourself.

· Thought is a frequency. When you think a thought, it becomes an entity in its own right and has a signature frequency. Now that thought thinks and vibrates, attracting like frequency. If you continue to think that original thought, you send out more thoughts with a signature frequency. Because these thoughts are all vibrating at the same frequency, they combine and form a thought form.

· A thought form, if thought about by many people, in a clear fashion where there is no resistance to this thought form, becomes physical matter.

· This thought form then manifests into your world and has its own frequency.

· As all energy vibrates and has its own frequency, it attracts like frequency.

That is how you and I and everyone else, thought the world into the physical.

If you are responsible for producing the world as you see it, you are then 100% responsible for how your life is working or not working out.

Every thought you think, if felt with emotion, and repetition, will manifest into the physical.

Unfortunately, because of hidden beliefs formed from during your childhood and blue-printed into your subconscious, things you do not want, tend to manifest. The Law of Attraction is always working. In most cases, you are manifesting by default.

The biggest hurdles to manifesting your perfect life, are these fear-based limited beliefs that you formed when you were a small child.

Consciously being aware of your malware, is not enough to stop their influence on how you react to the events in your life.

The only way to override and replace these limited beliefs is to access the subconscious at its own personal frequency. The trick is to get past the gatekeeper, which is the conscious/subconscious mind barrier that will only consider information that is genuine (heartfelt) and repeated.

Brainwave entrainment can align your brainwave frequency to match that of the subconscious, quickly and easily, by-passing the gatekeeper. Once you are in this state of mind, you can easily reprogram your own personal blueprint by changing your thoughts, visualizing what you want to incorporate into your personality. Actual physical neural networks will appear in your grey matter, and with repetition, will become strong and viable. Old programming which was etched into your grey matter, will atrophy from lack of activation.

Brainwave entrainment helps you chose how you wish your life to be and be 100% responsible, and in this regard, helps you change what you see outside of yourself, too. Remember, one thought attracts another of like frequency, so it is very possible to change your life and change the world.

It only takes one thought.

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck   Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible   

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck

Why would they want to hire me versus that other woman, there are way more qualified people out there than me? I don't know If I should work on my website first or figure out what I'm really offering to people - wait on my business card logo guy is still waiting to hear back from me, gosh why haven't I called that lady back yet who invited me to speak at her event...

Do you ever wonder when that damn inner critic of yours is just going to lay down and die already?

I just got off the phone with a good friend of mine with whom I co-led a women's empowerment meeting last night. We discussed what happened at the meeting, what went wrong, our intentions for next time and how we would organize and our structure our content to better facilitate heartfelt sharing in an open space of sisterhood and community.

During the event I could feel things kind of slipping away - the conversation running astray, the theme wasn't tight enough I thought to myself, we didn't give the women enough direction, this could have been done better bla bla bla.

Out of all the women I coach feeling stuck and paralyzed is all too common. It's seems as if there is this elusive "moment" when everything will feel just right and then you'll really KNOW that you're ready - that it's finally time.

If taking that flying leap and just beginning is constantly stalled by waiting for the kids to go back to school, for when there will be enough time, enough money, enough knowledge, I just got to take one more course then I'll know enough, then I'll maybe feel more ready... then you'll love these quick tips to get you into action.

I too have suffered from perfectionism, feeling paralyzed, always wondering what others will think of me, and I gotta tell you - that elusive moment that you're waiting for - it simply doesn't exist. That little voice of self doubt will always be there and what I've discovered is that the successful people I have studied have just learnt how to successfully DEAL with it better. Here's what I've got to share with you about what I've found to work well.

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism So You Can Get Into Action Fast!

1) Make it about other's don't make it about yourself. When you get into thinking about how you compare, or don't measure up versus what other people know it's always a losing game. Instead, get into the game of service and turn the tables on your perspective. Think about how many people will lose out by you not sharing what's in your heart.

When you doubt yourself and your abilities and that stubborn little critic chirps up remember to every 3rd grader - a 4th grader seems like a GOD. Think about it. Do you remember what it was like in school looking up to the senior high kids when you were in junior high?

Think about your business in the same way. You don't need to be a Tony Robbins to make a difference in the world and impact people. There are TONS of 3rd graders that would LOVE a 4th graders perspective. Focus your attention on serving those people and STOP thinking and comparing yourself to others. Focus on the people you CAN help and you will.

2) Sloppy starts are better than no results Whenever I find myself procrastinating or judging others it's a tell tail sign that I need to just get off the bleachers and jump into the game. I guarantee you'll learn a heck of a lot more by jumping in the game and tending to a few scraped knees on the courts versus watching from the comfort of the bleachers. Your game may not be perfect, it may not be great, you may drop the ball a few times, but if you never give yourself permission to try and fail, you'll never have a shot at enjoying success either.

Everyone has to start somewhere. Sometimes I listen into some of the interviews I did years ago and I wince when I hear myself... mastery has to begin somewhere. Like the saying goes - there is no reward without risk and in my books the only way TO anything is straight THROUGH it. That also includes all of the emotions you're trying so hard to avoid feeling by playing it "safe and small".

3) Leggo my EGGO Remember that commercial on TV? The one with the EGGO muffin that ghastly thing you buy in the grocery store and stick in the toaster for breakfast? OK we'll that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the other EGO - that inner critic, that little voice that never seems to give you a break.

Let's do a little test... Can you just make a decision right now to accept your life exactly as it is... and can you let go of the whole idea to want to change it - in any way? Just for right now? And can you just decide - to MAKE a decision to LOVE your life - right now exactly as it is - without wanting to change any of it? Could you make that decision? Well, could you?

ACCEPTANCE = a very high vibration, LOVE = even higher. Instead of pushing and struggling with what's in your reality right now - consider coming into acceptance and in love your life exactly as it is right now and more importantly yourself.

Love is the way to let it be easy ♥

You'll never get anywhere if you're constantly beating yourself up. If you can master your emotions you can master your life. You are in control of your reality because you are in control of your decisions and your thinking.

We create so much resistance for ourselves simply out of habit; consider that success is simply another way of thinking, a new habit to try on something you can practice.

For some reading this moving from fear, out of habit and perfectionism and into imperfect action might be a far stretch - hopefully the next time your inner critic pipes up - you'll catch it and send it some love and remember these 3 powerful mindset shifts to help you through.

To Your Love, Expansion & Freedom Vanessa

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck   Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible   

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck

Why would they want to hire me versus that other woman, there are way more qualified people out there than me? I don't know If I should work on my website first or figure out what I'm really offering to people - wait on my business card logo guy is still waiting to hear back from me, gosh why haven't I called that lady back yet who invited me to speak at her event...

Do you ever wonder when that damn inner critic of yours is just going to lay down and die already?

I just got off the phone with a good friend of mine with whom I co-led a women's empowerment meeting last night. We discussed what happened at the meeting, what went wrong, our intentions for next time and how we would organize and our structure our content to better facilitate heartfelt sharing in an open space of sisterhood and community.

During the event I could feel things kind of slipping away - the conversation running astray, the theme wasn't tight enough I thought to myself, we didn't give the women enough direction, this could have been done better bla bla bla.

Out of all the women I coach feeling stuck and paralyzed is all too common. It's seems as if there is this elusive "moment" when everything will feel just right and then you'll really KNOW that you're ready - that it's finally time.

If taking that flying leap and just beginning is constantly stalled by waiting for the kids to go back to school, for when there will be enough time, enough money, enough knowledge, I just got to take one more course then I'll know enough, then I'll maybe feel more ready... then you'll love these quick tips to get you into action.

I too have suffered from perfectionism, feeling paralyzed, always wondering what others will think of me, and I gotta tell you - that elusive moment that you're waiting for - it simply doesn't exist. That little voice of self doubt will always be there and what I've discovered is that the successful people I have studied have just learnt how to successfully DEAL with it better. Here's what I've got to share with you about what I've found to work well.

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism So You Can Get Into Action Fast!

1) Make it about other's don't make it about yourself. When you get into thinking about how you compare, or don't measure up versus what other people know it's always a losing game. Instead, get into the game of service and turn the tables on your perspective. Think about how many people will lose out by you not sharing what's in your heart.

When you doubt yourself and your abilities and that stubborn little critic chirps up remember to every 3rd grader - a 4th grader seems like a GOD. Think about it. Do you remember what it was like in school looking up to the senior high kids when you were in junior high?

Think about your business in the same way. You don't need to be a Tony Robbins to make a difference in the world and impact people. There are TONS of 3rd graders that would LOVE a 4th graders perspective. Focus your attention on serving those people and STOP thinking and comparing yourself to others. Focus on the people you CAN help and you will.

2) Sloppy starts are better than no results Whenever I find myself procrastinating or judging others it's a tell tail sign that I need to just get off the bleachers and jump into the game. I guarantee you'll learn a heck of a lot more by jumping in the game and tending to a few scraped knees on the courts versus watching from the comfort of the bleachers. Your game may not be perfect, it may not be great, you may drop the ball a few times, but if you never give yourself permission to try and fail, you'll never have a shot at enjoying success either.

Everyone has to start somewhere. Sometimes I listen into some of the interviews I did years ago and I wince when I hear myself... mastery has to begin somewhere. Like the saying goes - there is no reward without risk and in my books the only way TO anything is straight THROUGH it. That also includes all of the emotions you're trying so hard to avoid feeling by playing it "safe and small".

3) Leggo my EGGO Remember that commercial on TV? The one with the EGGO muffin that ghastly thing you buy in the grocery store and stick in the toaster for breakfast? OK we'll that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the other EGO - that inner critic, that little voice that never seems to give you a break.

Let's do a little test... Can you just make a decision right now to accept your life exactly as it is... and can you let go of the whole idea to want to change it - in any way? Just for right now? And can you just decide - to MAKE a decision to LOVE your life - right now exactly as it is - without wanting to change any of it? Could you make that decision? Well, could you?

ACCEPTANCE = a very high vibration, LOVE = even higher. Instead of pushing and struggling with what's in your reality right now - consider coming into acceptance and in love your life exactly as it is right now and more importantly yourself.

Love is the way to let it be easy ♥

You'll never get anywhere if you're constantly beating yourself up. If you can master your emotions you can master your life. You are in control of your reality because you are in control of your decisions and your thinking.

We create so much resistance for ourselves simply out of habit; consider that success is simply another way of thinking, a new habit to try on something you can practice.

For some reading this moving from fear, out of habit and perfectionism and into imperfect action might be a far stretch - hopefully the next time your inner critic pipes up - you'll catch it and send it some love and remember these 3 powerful mindset shifts to help you through.

To Your Love, Expansion & Freedom Vanessa

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck   Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible   

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck

Why would they want to hire me versus that other woman, there are way more qualified people out there than me? I don't know If I should work on my website first or figure out what I'm really offering to people - wait on my business card logo guy is still waiting to hear back from me, gosh why haven't I called that lady back yet who invited me to speak at her event...

Do you ever wonder when that damn inner critic of yours is just going to lay down and die already?

I just got off the phone with a good friend of mine with whom I co-led a women's empowerment meeting last night. We discussed what happened at the meeting, what went wrong, our intentions for next time and how we would organize and our structure our content to better facilitate heartfelt sharing in an open space of sisterhood and community.

During the event I could feel things kind of slipping away - the conversation running astray, the theme wasn't tight enough I thought to myself, we didn't give the women enough direction, this could have been done better bla bla bla.

Out of all the women I coach feeling stuck and paralyzed is all too common. It's seems as if there is this elusive "moment" when everything will feel just right and then you'll really KNOW that you're ready - that it's finally time.

If taking that flying leap and just beginning is constantly stalled by waiting for the kids to go back to school, for when there will be enough time, enough money, enough knowledge, I just got to take one more course then I'll know enough, then I'll maybe feel more ready... then you'll love these quick tips to get you into action.

I too have suffered from perfectionism, feeling paralyzed, always wondering what others will think of me, and I gotta tell you - that elusive moment that you're waiting for - it simply doesn't exist. That little voice of self doubt will always be there and what I've discovered is that the successful people I have studied have just learnt how to successfully DEAL with it better. Here's what I've got to share with you about what I've found to work well.

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism So You Can Get Into Action Fast!

1) Make it about other's don't make it about yourself. When you get into thinking about how you compare, or don't measure up versus what other people know it's always a losing game. Instead, get into the game of service and turn the tables on your perspective. Think about how many people will lose out by you not sharing what's in your heart.

When you doubt yourself and your abilities and that stubborn little critic chirps up remember to every 3rd grader - a 4th grader seems like a GOD. Think about it. Do you remember what it was like in school looking up to the senior high kids when you were in junior high?

Think about your business in the same way. You don't need to be a Tony Robbins to make a difference in the world and impact people. There are TONS of 3rd graders that would LOVE a 4th graders perspective. Focus your attention on serving those people and STOP thinking and comparing yourself to others. Focus on the people you CAN help and you will.

2) Sloppy starts are better than no results Whenever I find myself procrastinating or judging others it's a tell tail sign that I need to just get off the bleachers and jump into the game. I guarantee you'll learn a heck of a lot more by jumping in the game and tending to a few scraped knees on the courts versus watching from the comfort of the bleachers. Your game may not be perfect, it may not be great, you may drop the ball a few times, but if you never give yourself permission to try and fail, you'll never have a shot at enjoying success either.

Everyone has to start somewhere. Sometimes I listen into some of the interviews I did years ago and I wince when I hear myself... mastery has to begin somewhere. Like the saying goes - there is no reward without risk and in my books the only way TO anything is straight THROUGH it. That also includes all of the emotions you're trying so hard to avoid feeling by playing it "safe and small".

3) Leggo my EGGO Remember that commercial on TV? The one with the EGGO muffin that ghastly thing you buy in the grocery store and stick in the toaster for breakfast? OK we'll that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the other EGO - that inner critic, that little voice that never seems to give you a break.

Let's do a little test... Can you just make a decision right now to accept your life exactly as it is... and can you let go of the whole idea to want to change it - in any way? Just for right now? And can you just decide - to MAKE a decision to LOVE your life - right now exactly as it is - without wanting to change any of it? Could you make that decision? Well, could you?

ACCEPTANCE = a very high vibration, LOVE = even higher. Instead of pushing and struggling with what's in your reality right now - consider coming into acceptance and in love your life exactly as it is right now and more importantly yourself.

Love is the way to let it be easy ♥

You'll never get anywhere if you're constantly beating yourself up. If you can master your emotions you can master your life. You are in control of your reality because you are in control of your decisions and your thinking.

We create so much resistance for ourselves simply out of habit; consider that success is simply another way of thinking, a new habit to try on something you can practice.

For some reading this moving from fear, out of habit and perfectionism and into imperfect action might be a far stretch - hopefully the next time your inner critic pipes up - you'll catch it and send it some love and remember these 3 powerful mindset shifts to help you through.

To Your Love, Expansion & Freedom Vanessa

3 Keys to Overcoming Perfectionism - Powerful Mindset Shifts For Entrepreneurs To Get Unstuck   Brainwave Entrainment Helps You Be 100% Responsible   

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